Лучшие Собаки
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Сертификаты с занесением в родословную
В этом рассказе мы знакомимся с уникальной историей Бумера, американского кокер спаниеля, который в короткий срок завоевал лидирующие позиции на собачьих выставках. Позади его успеха стоит опытный заводчик и судья РКФ, чья жизнь тесно связана с разведением и выставлением этих изящных собак.
Это интервью предоставляет уникальный взгляд на жизнь и труды заводчика французских бульдогов, показывая, что успех достигается не только благодаря любви к питомцам, но и благодаря упорству, терпению и постоянному самосовершенствованию
В выставке участвуют собаки, занявшие 1-10 места в рейтинге
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Mr. David R. Miller (aka Jean-David Laplanche) has been a dog enthusiast all his life. From an early age, his parents raised various terriers. In the early Seventies while residing in France, he fixed his sights upon the dogs that he has raised for over forty years, Salukis. Under the prefix of Shandell, and coupled with the French Saluki kennel, Arab Bahari, he still occasionally breeds and shows. In addition, he has owned Afghans, Dalmatians and Italian Greyhounds.
In the Mid-Seventies and throughout the Eighties, Mr. Miller showed not only his Salukis, but dogs in several breeds for clients. In 1988, he applied to the American Kennel Club and was approved to judge Salukis. Since then, he has been approved to judge the American Kennel Club Sporting Group, Hound Group, Toy Group, Non Sporting Group, Fourteen Terriers, Five Herding and Three Working breeds. He has held many offices in the Grand River Kennel Club, currently Vice President, and is the show chairperson for their cluster weekend – The Regatta Classic. Moreover, he is the Vice President of the Cuyahoga Valley Hound Association and the founder of the Regatta Classic Dog Shows in Ohio.
Mr. Miller has officiated in the capacity of judge in thirty-three countries on six continents. He is published in both English and French in professional educational periodicals as well as dog publications. Moreover, he has given seminars internationally on the Afghan, Azawakh, Saluki, Whippet, Solving the Mysteries of Breed Type, Back to Basics, and Judging Procedure. He travels frequently to North Africa due to his association with sighthounds and conducts tours of Marrakech, Morocco and its surroundings. As an avid traveler, he has visited many kennels around the world.
Professionally, Mr. Miller, retired, was the Department Coordinator of World Languages for a school system in the Cleveland, Ohio Metropolitan Area. He has also instructed on the university undergraduate and graduate levels. He holds a Masters Degree in Education with a specialization in French as well as a Certificat Du Premier Degré from the Université De Strasbourg, France. He is a translator and has conferred on projects for officials at the United Nations in relation to indigenous canine breeds of the Sahara.
In his spare time, he is a photographer and his work has been published internationally. Mr. Miller speaks French, German, Italian and English.
As a Judge: Luiz Fernando Ribas Silva was born and has always lived in Curitiba located in the south of Brasil. He became a specialist judge of Dobermann Breed by CBKC/FCI in 1982, when he was just 19 years old, which make him the youngest FCI judge to be approved in South America. Twenty years later, in 2002, he became an all breed Judge. Since then he has been judging Nationals, important All Breed and Specialty Shows often in Brasil and in over 20 countries of all continents.
As a Breeder:
He started his Dobermann breeding when he was just 11 years old in 1974, under the suffix of Charleston, and even with an average of just one litter a year, he bred more than 120 Champion Dobermanns in Brasil and abroad in 15 different countries, including several in the US and Canada. Dogs bred by him have already won over than 250 All Breed and Specialty Bests in Show in different continents, most of those victories has been acquired breeder-owner handled by Luiz. Dogs bred by him also won Brazilian National Specialties and became top Dobermanns and among all breeds in Brasil in many years. Along with his wife Evelyne, they were awarded as Top Dobermann Breeders of The Year in Brasil 16 times in 20 years (1990 to 2009) according to Brazilian official National Breeders Ranking.
I was born in 1n Asunción, Paraguay, Architect by profession, All Round Judge for the Paraguay Kennel Club and the FCI. I have dedicated myself to the Cinofília since I was very young.
I have been a breeder and exhibitor of Salukis since 1976. Salukis from my kennel “Anjal Sahara” (Sons of the Desert) have obtained numerous victories, World Championships, International Championships, Latin American Championships and from various countries, as well as Best in Show in Latin American countries and Best of the Group in Europe. Salukis from my kennel “Anjal Sahara” have been Dog of the Year (All Breed) and Puppy of the year (All Breed) for many years in my country. Over the years my Kennel has had 9 World Champions and 1 European Champion (FCI).
For more than 20 years I have occupied various positions in the Paraguay Kennel Club, in the Management Committee, as Secretariat of the Management Committee, Vice- President and President, as well as the Show Committee. At the moment I am Lifelong Member of the Paraguayan Kennel Club. I am a founding member of the Saluki Club of Paraguay, of which at the moment I am its President. I have been a representative of the PKC at Sicalam Meetings (Sociedad de Intercambio de la Cinofilia Latino Americana), from its beginning, and World Meetings of the FCI.
I have been the owner of the following breeds: German Shepherd, English Cocker Spaniel, Smooth Fox Terrier, Labrador, Whippet and Dobermann.
At the moment I own of the following breeds: Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Beagle and Saluki; and I am breeding Salukis.
Salukis from my kennels are found, in addition to Paraguay, in prestigious kennels in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, USA, Spain, Portugal and Finland.
I have judged in shows like “The Eukanuba Cup” in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2003; in “The Saluki Specialty Show” in Seattle, USA; in “The Huron Valley Saluki Club” in Michigan; in “The San Angeles Saluki Club” in Lompoc, California; “The Royal Canberra Show” and “The Western Classic” in Perth, Australia, the “Uitenhage Kennel Club”, “Port Elizabeth Kennel Club” and “Walmer & Suburban Kennel Club” in Port Elizabeth, South Africa in April 2008;the National of “The Saluki Club”, “The Western Gazehound Club” and the all- breed show of “The Pacific Kennel Club” in Vancouver, Canada in July 2008, in the Sarnia Kennel Club, Canada, the Saluki Specialty of Flash Club in USA and in the following countries: Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Portugal, Spain and Paraguay.
Being introduced with dogs since a very young age, My family bought me a shih Tzu to start my love with pedigree dogs. Finally I purchased my own pure breed dog a border collie in 2004, I was seriously involved with dog show world since then. We breed under the FeiFan prefix, Been work with breeder around the global to improve our lines. When there is no judging appointments Bella would like to handle her dogs at the dog show, she has been showing in China and abroad with great successes!
Serendipity is the act by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate while looking for something else entirely. Starfire’s was born of serendipity, and we look back at 40+ years in the wonderful world of pure bred dogs exhibition and breeding, we cannot help twists and turns along the path that have led us to today.
A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fabian Arienti immigrated to the United States in 1978.
With generations of outstanding winners, the Starfire’s Pomeranians are currently recognized as the top winning Pomeranian kennel in breed history together with my partner Mr. Tony Cabrera ,breeding Multi BISA and Westminster Kennel Club winners that can hold their own, in any ring around the world, is the rule, rather than the exception, for Starfire. Mr. Arienti and Mr. Cabrera bred and owned the only Pomeranians to ever win12 National Specialties. The highlight of his time in purebred exhibition, however, remains being selected by the American Kennel Club as Toy Breeder of the year for 2006.
Starfire’s Kennel has been involved with the Azawakh breed for more than a decade, holding the first AKC Champion, first BISA winner since recognized in 2019. Starfire’s Azawakh’s have broken to this date many records within the breed.
He is currently licensed to judge Maltese, Poodles, Papillons and Pomeranians., International assignments have included: Argentina, England, Israel, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, Lithuania, Russia, Norway.
На выставке «Лучшие Собаки России» предусмотрены
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Профессиональные видеографы обеспечат качественную прямую трансляцию выставки
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На выставке будут работать опытные фотографы
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Ринги и зал выставки освещены великолепно, создавая идеальные условия для демонстрации
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Зрителям будут предоставлены комфортабельные трибуны для наблюдения
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Качественные призы
и подарки от спонсоров
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Судьи с мировым признанием, не судившие в России год на рейтинговых выставках
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Премиальные призы и подарки, предоставленные спонсорами
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Интервью с победителем
(best in show)
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Приглашение на
гала ужин (best in show)
С 2017 года функционирует первый независимый рейтинг
выставочных собак, заводчиков и хендлеров под названием
«Лучшие собаки России».
Основная цель рейтинга - сплочение кинологического сообщества,
поддержка профессиональных кинологов
и продвижение ответственного отношения к животным.
В 2023 году команда «Лучшие собаки России» впервые проводит
квалификационную выставку для собак - лидеров, которые вошли
в первые 10 мест в рейтинге пород
Где будет проходить выставка “Лучшие собаки России/РКФ?
Выставка Лучшие собаки России/РКФ пройдет в Крокус экспо по адресу: Международная ул., 20, Красногорск, Московская обл. Международный выставочный центр крокус экспо павильон 2, зал 9 этаж 2 .17-18 февраля 2024 года
Сколько стоит участие в выставке?
Регистрация на выставку доступна по специальной цене в 4200 рублей до 28 января. С 28 января до 7 февраля стоимость регистрации увеличится до 5000 рублей. Успейте воспользоваться выгодным предложением!
какие собаки могут участвовать в выставке “Лучшие собаки России/РКФ?
В выставке участвуют собаки, занявшие 1-10 места в рейтинге «Лучшие собаки России/РКФ 2023» по породам
Какие призы будут вручаться победителям?
1. Премиальные призы и подарки, предоставленные спонсорами
2. Интервью с победителем
(best in show)
3.Приглашение на гала ужин (best in show)